VOCANO - formerly known as Jazzchor Dresden under the leadership of Michael Blessing is an a cappella ensemble hailing from the vibrant musical city of Dresden, Germany. United by a passion for a cappella music, the choir brings together talented singers dedicated to the pop a cappella style.Since its inception in 2012 the choir has evolved into a semi-professional unit known for its captivating performances and creative interpretations.
The musical style of VOCANO is characterized by a fusion of pop elements and the nuances of a cappella singing. Inspired by renowned ensembles such as Vocal Line, Jazzchor Freiburg, Twäng, Perpetuum Jazzile, Dopplers, as well as vocal bands like The Real Group and Pentatonix, the choir creates a unique sound that enchants and captivates audiences.
Highlights include appearances on the prestigious Neo Magazin Royale with Jan Böhmermann in German TV and a third-place finish at the "Deutsches Chorfest" competition. Additionally, the choir released its brandnew album "Part of Us" in March 2024.
contact: info@jazzchor-dresden.deWebsite